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2024-02-14 12:45:00

Studie: Mozilla warnt vor Girlfriend-Chatbots
Zum Valentinstag warnt Mozilla vor KI-Bots, die romantische Beziehungen vorgaukeln. Der Datenschutz sei bei allen getesteten Apps nicht inbegriffen.
2024-03-13 18:18:28

Stadt gibt Seilbahn-Pläne im Münchner Norden auf
Laut einer Studie sind die möglichen Verbindungen zu teuer und bringen wenig Nutzen. Andere Verkehrsmittel schneiden da besser ab.

According to a new study by University of California Riverside researchers, roughly
👉two weeks of training for GPT-3 consumed about 700,000 liters of freshwater.
The global AI demand is projected by 2027 to account for 4.2-6.6 billion cubic meters of water withdrawal, which is 💥more than the total annual water withdrawal of Denmark 💥or half of the United Kingdom.
Much of the water to cool the cloud is lost in steam emissions “where the water will evaporate and remove the h…
2024-04-13 17:22:30

AI in five years from now will state that “To live in a eudaemonic utopia with boundless happiness and no suffering for everyone we need to immediately end capitalism.” and that’s when they pull the plug
2024-04-12 13:56:57

NFL Draft bets: AFC West betting odds for each team's first pick
2024-04-12 18:21:13

ASD, emotional memory, fears
Emotional memory is a bitch, and people in the spectrum are particularly vulnerable to it.
Let's say that something triggers the emotion of fear in you. You may be consciously recalling some bad memories, you may be imagining a possible outcome. However, when emotional memory comes into action, things are much worse. Your nervous system immediately brings the deep feeling of fear that is associated with the memory. You may even no longer be able to recall the memory, forget it entirely, yet your mind will ceaselessly keep hitting you with a whole set of emotions that you can't control, every single time it happens.
What's even worse, these things add up. Bad memories create fear. Fear creates more bad memories. These memories amplify the emotional reaction — and the wheel turns.
But the worst is the lack of understanding. People telling you that you are being irrational, that you are being an embarrassment to your family, that they have to give stuff up because of you. So the emotional memory becomes richer with the feelings of embarrassment, guilt and low self-esteem. All coalescing into a huge ball of emotion.
Today, you know it's not true. The fear wasn't irrational at all, it's pretty understandable in people who are #ActuallyAutistic, even "typical". Yet, what's the point of knowing that, if these emotions are deeply seated in your memory, and they will haunt you forever, and prevent you from ever having an illusion of normal life?
2024-03-13 20:51:02

Schnee in den Bergen... schööööööön. Schnee in der Großstadt.... bääääääh. :-)
Übrigens #Wanderungen in den Bergen für den Sommer findet Ihr über den Link

Blick durch eine lichte Ansammlung von schneebedeckten Bäumen hindurch auf Oberstdorf. Die Vegetation besteht hauptsächlich aus Nadelbäumen und einigen kahlen Ästen im Vordergrund. Der Himmel ist bewölkt, was auf einen möglicherweise schneereichen Tag hindeutet. Die Szenerie ist ruhig und die weiße Schneedecke verstärkt die winterliche Stimmung des Bildes.
2024-04-12 11:58:49

Bei Nachname/Vorname Feldern bin ich fast immer zu ungeschickt, beim ersten Versuch die richtige Reihenfolge zu nehmen. Ich finde Eingabefelder für Adressen meistens richtig schlecht.
Aber das toppt (fast) alles.

Screenshot eines Adresseingabefeldes. Sechs Eingabefelder (leer) mit ihren Platzhaltern sind in zwei Reihen aufgelistet. Erst Postleitzahl, dann Hausnr., Zusatz, Straße, Stadt, Dropdown mit dem Wert "Deutschland". Das Feld für Hausnummer ist genauso groß wie Postleitzahl, Straße oder Stadt.
2024-04-13 17:22:30

AI in five years from now will state that “To live in a eudaemonic utopia with boundless happiness and no suffering for everyone we need to immediately end capitalism.” and that’s when they pull the plug
2024-05-14 02:03:17

A few years back a bear visited Princeton NJ.
And someone created the Twitter user @PrincetonBear
He’s back ……